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构建婚姻:美国人的婚前思考题 >> 阅读


作者:南桥 来源:网易博客 发布时间:2010年11月15日 点击数: ( 字体: )

Will you clean the toilet?
How are we going to divide up the household chores?
What are your expectations about how we will spend our free time?
How do you want to spend our days off?
Do you believe that we should be doing everything together?
Can we each pursue our own interests?
Do you need time alone?
How would you feel if I want a night out with my friends now and then?
How will we make sure we have quality time together?
Can we talk about money?
Are you a saver or spender when it comes to money?
Do you want to have a budget?
 we have a joint account or separate accounts or both?
 Who is going to be responsible for making sure that bills are paid on time?
 Do you consider going to the movies and having a vacation every year a necessity or a luxury?
 How much do we owe in debts and what are our assets?
 Where does our money go?
 What are our financial goals?
 Do you have any outstanding fines or debts?
 What are our future plans for purchasing a home?
 Do we both know where our important financial documents are located?
Have we had sexual relationships before?
If yes, have we repented and are we forgiven?
If yes, have we had medical tests done to determine that we are free from sexual diseases such as AIDS?
How do you feel about these questions?
Do you want to have a child?
Do we want to have a child?
How long should we be married before having children?
What kind of parent do you think you will be?
What is your parenting philosophy?
Will one of us stay home after we have children?
What type of birth control should we use if we want to postpone or prevent parenthood?
How do you feel about adoption?
Do you have any children already?
How will we make decisions together?
Are we both willing to face into difficult areas or do we try to avoid conflict?
Do you think we have problems in our relationship that we need to deal with before our wedding?
Do we handle conflict well?
How are we different?
Do you think our differences will create problems in our marriage?
Do you expect or want me to change?
Can we both forgive?



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